Past Life Regression Hypnosis with Kevin Foresman

I’m Kevin Foresman, a Past Life Regression Hypnotist, Spiritual Life Coach and Owner of Enlumnia Energetic Health and Wellness located in Dallas, TX. I serve as a spiritual artist and energy healer providing advanced forms of past life regression, energetic healing, chakra balancing, sound healing, angel therapy and spiritual coaching. I help my clients heal body, mind and spirit. I lead them to return to an optimum state of balance in their physical, mental, emotional and spiritual being. I am a healing artist and I approach my work as a fun, intuitive, creative and artistic expression of spirituality combining the ancient wisdom and modern practicality.

Past Life Regression: Exploring & Healing Past Lives

Past life regression is a technique that uses hypnosis to recover memories of past lives or incarnations. Past-life regression is typically undertaken in pursuit of a spiritual experience. Most advocates loosely adhere to beliefs about reincarnation, exploring potentially repressed memories of past lives. Past-life regression involves the subject answering a series of questions while hypnotized to reveal identity and events of past life events. Many times there is a sense of sadness or anxiety associated with these experiences. Once addressed, the energy can be balanced, released and we can move on in the current incarnation with less karmic baggage.


Past Life Regression: $349 – 3 Hrs

Past Life Therapy and Coaching

Want to take a deep dive into past lives, and save money as well? We recommend 3 sessions for you to fully explore past life karma, soulmate entanglements, multiple past life connections to the present, and to achieve even deeper levels of karmic energy healing from any traumatic episodes still resonating within your spirit today. To help facilitate this, we created this package of 3 sessions discounted by 15% just for you, a great money saving investment into your self healing, soul exploration and personal development. After purchase, you’ll receive a personal promo code to use when scheduling your sessions.

Past Life Regression Therapy Package

Reg $1047: $887 (15% Off) 

Soulmates, Twin Flames, Starseeds & Soul Tribe

Past Life Regression can help you to:

  • Reconnect with past lives, soulmates, twin flames, soul tribe & energetic karma.
  • Help you understand why you feel a deep connection with certain people and  places.
  • Explore your past life Soulmate connection and Twin Flame experiences.
  • Identify physical ailments you have, which may be remnants of past life experiences.
  • Explore unresolved emotions which have carried through into this lifetime, creating fears or beliefs which can’t be explained.
  • Acknowledge and embrace the key lessons learned through those lives.

Past Life Regression: $349 – 3 Hrs

Kevin Foresman Past Life Regression Reiki Master Energy Healer Hypnotist Holographic Sound Healer Mindfulness Meditation Practitioner Ordained Minister Spiritual Life Coach Enlumnia Energy Spa Dallas TX Copyright 2021

Kevin Foresman, founder of Enlumnia Energetic Health and Wellness, a past life repression hypnotist, reiki master trainer, mindfulness trainer, intuitive psychic, reconnective healer, master holographic sound healer, multimedia artist, and ordained non-denominational minister. Kevin has been practicing the art of in-person and long distance healing for nearly two decades. He also facilitates reiki, past life, chakra and angel therapy classes. Kevin is passionate about helping his clients heal energetically by providing a unique combination of healing energy work and spiritual life coaching. His energy healing technique involves being a pure open conduit or channel for source energy to flow through and into the energetic field of his clients, allowing them to release emotional blocks, relieve physical pain, attain deep levels of relaxation, balance and align chakra energy centers, and access higher levels of universal wisdom and personal success. Kevin’s method of energy healing is modern, direct and powerful.

Past Life Regression Therapy Package

Reg $1047: $887 (15% Off)